Race and modify some of the most expensive and exotic cars in the world with Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Written by: Shauli Zacks Last updated on December 01, 2021
Best Parental Control for iPhone & iPad. IPVanish VPN vs Private Internet Access. I heard that the single-player portion of the game is approximately 15+ hours long, which IMO isn't enough to justify a full price tag of 45€. Game verdict (based on the demo): I'm getting this once I find it for roughly 20€. Nothing that'll persist playing in your head for the rest of the day (for better or worse) but good, solid sounds nevertheless. Sound: Ok engine sounds, and an appropriate selection of music. Just for the sake of tinkering, I decided to try 1280*1024 res, and because I noticed absolutely no image quality degration from this, and the performance went up to the point where the game was, what I'd call "butter-smooth" (meaning >50 fps), I decided to leave it at 1280*1024 res, 2xAA, 16xHQAF, all settings maxed except shadows which were at medium. No slow-downs and everything was just smooth. I then tried the game again and it was smooth. I then proceeded to bump down the shadow filtering to medium (as this had a noticeable impact on performance, but didn't degrade IQ much at all), and I also bumped down the AA from the ludicrous 4x to 2x (I can't tell the difference in car games ). The game was playable, but not as smooth as I would have liked. Performance: I first tried the game at 1600*1200 res, 4xAA, 16xHQAF, and all settings maxed (or simply, "on", depending on the variable) and experienced a few slow-downs. The exaggerated HDR is gorgeous, and the blur effect is like the icing on a cake.
In a race, you rarely have enough time to admire the surroundings, aside from the odd glance at the windmills decorating your country-side road.
The textures aren't as sharp as in some other games, but this only becomes apparent when looking at screenshots. Some reviews I've read in the internet have said that the cars feel too 'heavy', and while the cars aren't Midtown Madness 3 light, they certainly aren't overly heavy, and feel very balanced overall IMO.
Of course it differs from car to car (something that isn't always self-explanatory in all games.) but overall, the feel is very nice. Gameplay: The car handling is great IMO. Arcade racing at its finest if you ask me, and I've played Burnout, Flatout, PGR and NFSU & NFSU2. Fun-factor: At least based on the demo, the game is fun as heck. Click to expand.And I'm impressed! Wow, what a great game! Here are my thoughts: